Family Pix

Family Pix

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Being Intentional

I am not one for making New Year's Resolutions. However, I am all about becoming a better Christ follower, wife and mom. The main phrase of my blog right now is "Lord I want to be just like you, because she wants to be just like me,etc... A song I love from Phillips, Craig and Dean.

Lately, I have felt a lot of chaos in my life and I always feel like there is something to do or complete. Whether it be dishes, errands, groceries, cooking, and cleaning the house. Of course this doesn't mean that I don't have time to check my email, facebook, blogs or have a good phone conversation.

A conversation I had with my sis-in-law, Amanda about putting our family first sparked my current blog topic. So here we go...

First, intentional means 1.having to do with intention or purpose 2.done purposely; intended.

I have decided in my daily life that I want to be more of an intentional mom. Since I don't "go to" work and my work is at home I feel like sometimes my type A personality takes over and forgets to spend that intentional time with my daughter. I'm too busy doing dishes while Addy plays or changing the laundry while she is doing a puzzle. I am so worried about the "to do list" and not what really matters.

So my goal or intentions are to start spending quality time with Addy. Get on the floor and forget the dishes...Bake some cookies in the snow...giggle and play in the tent! I am not saying I don't do these things now but the quantity and quality of the time isn't as rich as I would like it to be... I rush things because my personality doesn't slow down.

This past week was a tough week....just a lot going on and preparing the house for guests,etc...I was so busy getting the house ready, cooking, cleaning that I didn't spend that intentional time with my daughter. I felt it and she felt it....By Thursday I had it!! I got in my snow suit and I got Addy in was cold and snowy... but boy was it fun! It rejuvenated me in a way that you will never know!!!

All I had to do was be an intentional mom and my attitude and Addy's for the rest of the day was so different.

I want my daughter to grow up to know Jesus... I want my daughter to see a mommy who is intentional about my relationship with Christ, my husband and her....I don't want the phone, internet, stress of my life, or other things to take presedence over her....

So...I am only checking the Internet at nap time (which is not everyday) or after she is in bed...I am also going to try to stay home more often. No more rushing around and running unnecessary errands. Maybe only 1 outing a week of fun....

So if you are wondering where I am...I am probably in the Barbie tent (given to us by David, Katie and Ellie) playing puzzles and giggling with my girl....

I Want to be Just Like You by Phillips, Craig and Dean
He climbs in my lap for a goodnight hug
He calls me Dad and I call him Bub
With his faded old pillow and a bear named Pooh
He snuggles up close and says, "I want to be like you"
I tuck him in bed and I kiss him goodnight
Trippin' over the toys as I turn out the light
And I whisper a prayer that someday he'll see
He's got a father in God 'cause he's seen Jesus in me

Lord, I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be just like me
I want to be a holy example
For his innocent eyes to see
Help me be a living Bible, Lord
That my little boy can read
I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be like me

Got to admit I've got so far to go
Make so many mistakes and I'm sure that You know
Sometimes it seems no matter how hard I try
With all the pressures in life I just can't get it all right
But I'm trying so hard to learn from the best
Being patient and kind, filled with Your tenderness
'Cause I know that he'll learn from the things that he sees
And the Jesus he finds will be the Jesus in me
Right now from where he stands I may seem mighty tall
But it's only 'cause I'm learning from the best Father of them all


  1. Good job, Katie. I hope we can keep each other accountable to being intentional mamas.

    (By the way, you should read Steady Mom's book, Steady Days. It's short and very simple. And it's all about intentional/professional motherhood.)
