Family Pix

Family Pix

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blessed Beyond Measure

Sometimes I stand amazed at all the blessings in my life. I take for granted each day the little blessings that pass. With all the hustle and bustle of life sometimes what others do for me goes unnoticed and sometimes I forget to even say thanks...

As I have become a mom I have come to realize how blessed I have been with the different people that have played huge roles in my life. If I named all the people that have touched my life in some way, it would take a lifetime.

As a little girl, I didn't know any different; my parents and grandparents were always around. There were ball games, concerts, church activities, birthdays, weddings, and more. My parents did not miss one of my events, ever. They were active in my life from day one. They spent time with us not just by watching but by being active in our daily lives and enriching our lives spiritually.

Also, when I look back I was blessed to have three grandparents that played a huge role in my life. Each sporting event, each birthday...they were there. My grandpa traveled states to see us play sports. If we needed them or wanted them; they were there. Wow...not many can say that.

Lately, I have been thinking of how fortunate I am to have three grandparents that are still with me and still to this day play an active role in my life. They have seen me through my childhood, marriage and now parenthood.

I had the opportunity a few weeks ago to have lunch with all three grandparents at the same time with just me and Addy. It got me thinking of how honored I feel to be their granddaughter. It brings tears to my eyes to think of how blessed I am to be able to still have three grandparents that are always here.

From having visits from Grandpa Ken and Grandma Betty to enjoying lunches with them and watching Grandma try to slip a $20 in my pocket when Addy had colic and could only have expensive formula. With Grandma Anita it has been dinners she provides, pumpkin patches, lunches and style shows. And Grandma Betty Carlson (Ben's grandma) for the tender heart she has and the sweet doll that she gave Addy that Addy never puts down. They were there for Addy's birth and for her dedication to the Lord. I can't name all of the things by any means for all they have done for me. The gratitude I have for them is so great.

And now I see my parents and in-laws becoming grandparents and seeing them do the same. My parents have come to watch Addy during her swimming lessons and seeing her jump off the diving board for the first time and have taken care of her numerous times; taking her on walks and rocking her to sleep. Ben's parents have taken us to WI Dells and MI on family trips and had Addy experience her first water park with Grandpa...playing piano and dancing with Grandma Cathie and sweet kisses from Grandpa Charlie.

I am blessed beyond measure. I am thankful and can't say enough about the legacy that was laid before me. I hope some day that my child can say the same about me.

I am who I am today because of these wonderful people. I am blessed to have parents and grandparents who I adore and love and they have shown me who Christ is because of the love they have given to me over the past 29 years.

Thank you Ron, Dana, Charlie, Cathie, Grandpa Ken, Grandma Betty Ginn and Grandma Anita and Grandma Betty Carlson. Thank you for each showing me what it means to be a follower of Christ. I am thankful to have a little piece of each of you in me. For that I am thankful.

1 comment:

  1. We have definitely been blessed with amazing families!!
