Family Pix

Family Pix

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Love her like Jesus

It is so easy as a parent to get frustrated with your kids. Especially right now for me...Tantrums, teething, outbursts in Target because she doesn't get a toy...She is not even 2 yet. YIKES! I get so frustrated that I even yelled the other day...

But then I remember she is not mine. We are her temporary home. I am here to teach her first and foremost about Christ, to discipline, equip her and LOVE her! Its hard when things are stressful to remember the wonderful moments.

As I rocked Addy to sleep last night and she asked me to pray for her daddy my heart just melted. Even as she gets close to turning 2 (only a week away) I am reminded that we are already instilling in her what we do in our house and who we serve.

So as far as these tantrums; I am not a huge fan. But instead of yelling and getting frustrated I am going to try to learn to make them teaching moments and love her through them.

This morning as I thought about who I want to be as a parent. I thought about how wonderful my parents were in raising me and how wonderful Ben's parents are. Our parents have been instrumental in our walks with Christ. I hope that when Addy is my age that she will say she learned to love Jesus from her mommy and daddy like Ben and I did.

This morning this song by Casting Crowns came to mind:

Just love them like Jesus, carry them to Him
His yoke is easy, His burden is light
You don't need the answers to all of life's questions
Just know that He loves them and stay by their side
Love them like Jesus

Lord of all creation holds our lives in His hands
The God of all the nations holds our lives in His hands
The Rock of our salvation holds our lives in His hands
He cares for them just as He cares for you

So love them like Jesus, love them like Jesus
You don't need the answers to all of life's questions
Just know that He loves them and stay by their side
Love them like Jesus
Love them like Jesus

Right now, I don't need all the answers on how to parent, I am not perfect and I will make mistakes and I will have meltdowns. But I am going to do my hardest to Love her Like Jesus!

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