Family Pix

Family Pix

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday

Well, it has been a week since I started Weight Watchers and it has been going very well. I have been learning to portion control and eat better.

When I first started to try to lose weight I was weighing myself daily and I kept getting discouraged, so now I am picking one day a week which weight watchers does.

My meals have been simple and healthy. I still have had a cookie or a couple chips every once in awhile but it is controlled...Im eating what I should and not over eating.

With all of that said---I am down 3 pounds!


  1. Augh, its a life long battle for every women!! WAy to go, who knew moderation and portion control was so hard?? I don't know where my blizzards fit in, but i am sure they fit somewhere...right?? ;) Keep it up girlfriend. Remember its not about "looking" but "feeling" great and healthy!!

  2. That's fantastic news Katie ! :)

  3. Awesome!!! I am so proud of you!

  4. Just pick whatever works for you and STICK TO IT like GLUE!
    Go Katie GO!
    I just know we cousins will have success if we keep on motivating each other towards our goals. Yahoo!
