Family Pix

Family Pix

Friday, July 23, 2010

A New Adventure

So I am not a big time writer or anything but I thought it would be fun to write a bit about our family and show pictures of what we are up to.

Ben and I have been so blessed this year to have been given a healthy baby girl, Addison Rose. She is such a joy to our lives. Each day there is something new... she likes to coo a lot right now... Her favorite part of the day is when daddy comes home. We usually try to wait by the window or the garage door in anticipation for his arrival.

I have been blessed as a wife and mother to be able to stay home. I am so thankful that my husband is such a hard working man and has allowed me to share each day with our daughter. I love each moment I spend with her.

Ben and I were able to go on a long date this past Sunday to the Twins game which was such a blast! Grandma Cathie watched Addy that day for us.

Well, for now I won't talk too much. I am off with Addy to help Emily (my cousin) set up for her wedding Saturday! She is marrying a guy that was in our wedding and a long time friend of Ben's, Mike Wiggin. I am so excited for her!!!

I hope you enjoy the posts to come and many many pictures.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. The site looks beautiful sweetie. Good job.

  2. Your new blog looks great! Can't wait to see more!
