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Family Pix

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

In His Eyes

Life as a mom has become crazy as Addy has entered into her toddler years.  Some days I have just felt like a failure as a mom and that I am not enough for her. Some days I feel like the world is ending and that I don't have one ounce of patience left. Especially the days we are in a store and she decides to have a tantrum or throws a chicken nugget at my head. I keep thinking in my head what am I doing wrong as a parent for her to be like this. Or when I can't get her to sleep at night and the day last forever...

Don't get me wrong, there are so MANY wonderful days but why is it that I always remember the bad ones and how much I let them affect me and my whole day. These bad days make me feel inadequate as not only mom but a person too.

 I have had some great conversations lately with my sis-in-law, Amanda about as mom's how its ok to be REAL with each other and vulnerable. We don't have to be perfect mom's. Its ok to say that we had to put our kid down in the crib and just let them cry...And its also ok to still rock her a bit when the day is out of sorts. When we see other kids act good or other kids that sleep well; we often think that this is because we are doing something wrong or we are failing....Sometimes I worry so much of what others think I forgot to remember what God thinks of me.

Monday was a very long and discouraging day for me after a doctor appointment and Addy falling and cutting her head on the cement. I just thought to myself...this is how the week is going to go...But then Tuesday happened.

A couple weeks ago I was invited by a good friend from high school, Tracy to a MOPS group. Tracy and I have been able to reconnect and she has been a tremendous blessing to me. The MOPS group is where mom get to meet together while the little ones play away. However, yesterday the specific message was amazing and spoke right to me in every area of life. The speaker Dienna Goscha spoke about how we view ourselves in God's eyes and not the worlds. I just want to share the closing remarks she made and how truly they have impacted my outlook as a mom. The closing remarks come right from the Bible but in her words. I have to keep in mind that all that really matters is HIM. Sometimes I focus so much on myself I miss out on what an amazing wife and mom I can be.

 "What God Says About You"
  •  You were made in my image
  • You are fearfully and wonderfully made. I intricately wove you together.
  • I saw you before you were formed an the days of your existence.
  • My works are wonderful and you are one of those works.
  •  You are not alone. I will be with you always.
  • You can do whatever I ask of you because I will strengthen you.
  • You are my daughter. You are an heir. An heir to the king of kings- that makes you a princess. You are princess with an inheritance beyond your wildest imagination.
  • You are forgiven.
  •  When you asked, it was erased.
  • Forgiven forever. Live a forgiven life.
  • You are loved with a love that knows no bounds.
  • I love you with an everlasting love. You know this love because I laid down my life for you.
  • You are unique.
  • You do your best at what I intricately formed you for- there is no need to compare yourself to someone else.
  •  There is none like you. But remember, I feel the same way about them too.
  • You have a future. I have plans for you. Plans for good and not harm. Plans to give you hope and a future.
  •  You have a hope. Your hope is not in this world but with me.
  • Stop looking at this world. Look at me. I am all you need.
  •  Keep looking at me. Not anyone else. Just me.

I am hoping with this new outlook of looking at HIM that I can find who I am in HIM and who I am as a mom and remember that on those bad days I am loved with an everlasting love even if I am hit in the head with a chicken nugget.


  1. I LOVE that you have found a MOPS group in which you can reach out and find that you are not alone, that you are not a bab mom, and that you can take time out to be that better mom! I am on the steering team for our local MOPS and was wondering if I could use your blog from today to share with my table leaders? You have such a great way of putting how other moms feel! Keep your eyes on Christ as He guides our paths as mothers!!!!

  2. AWESOME post! It's so tough for us to see ourselves as He sees us, isn't it?! How comforting to remember that He sees us as beautiful and perfect in Him. Praying for you, that you would feel His peace in your life in all situations. You are a FANTASTIC mom! :)

  3. God always gives us the encouragement we need just at the perfect time, doesn't he? Elena once threw her boot at my head while I was driving (she was mad that the library was closed). One day you will laugh at that chicken nugget like I laugh at the boot. Blessings to a wonderful mom.

  4. Yep....being perfect in Him. We all are, if we'll only believe it!! Believe it KTP- you're great. :)

  5. This was such a beautiful blog! :) love you much deary, sis
